Monday, January 01, 2024

Making Pemmican Part 3 - Taste Test

Last week a friend and I went to his camp in Tioga County for Pennsylvania's late flintlock deer season. While we did not get any deer, we did get a chance to try the pemmican I made earlier in the week, as described previously on this blog.

To prepare the pemmican for a meal, we made a rubaboo, AKA stew with it. Along with three of the pemmican pucks, we used dried, mixed vegetables from Turkey Foot Trading and Forge, a can of diced tomatoes, garlic, salt, and black pepper.

Cooking it up on the wood stove:

And ready to eat:

(Styrofoam bowls reduce the dishes we need to wash in a completely off-grid, no-running water camp site.)

The verdict: As a meal for someone who has been out in the cold all day it's pretty good. It was very filling and although we each had three bowls about half was leftover, which I brought home in a Ziploc back and reheated for dinner last night.

I may try making pemmican again but I'll try to get the jerky ground more finely.

There's a package with two pucks left in my freezer so I'll have to come up with another way to try it, maybe a rechaud.

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