Sunday, August 25, 2024

The 3-3-3 Radio Plan for SHTF Communications

I mentioned this in my post the other day but want to call it out for greater exposure.

As far as I know this originates in a 2013 post at the RadioMaster Reports blog.

Essentially, it's a basic communications plan explaining when, where, and how to use your radios in the event of an emergency where other forms of communication fail.

  • Turn on your radio every 3 hours at the top of the hour local time.
  • For a minimum of 3 minutes.
  • On Channel 3 (whether it's CB, FRS, GMRS, or MURS).
That RadioMaster Post has reference cards you can download and print, or keep in the notes application on your phone. sells a printout of the plan which is laminated, and also offers a PDF download version for free.

Disseminating this procedure among the people you plan to communicate with if the SHTF will go a long way to maximizing the value of your radios.

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