First, the control head mounted on the center console, mic, and Radio Shack speaker:
The body of the radio is mounted under the passenger side front seat. Front:
No antenna pics. I'm using a Diamond MR-77 mag mount, which I've had for awhile and used when I had my VX-5RS in the truck. It works great and allows me to tip it over in case I need to park in a garage. I've only used the new setup briefly but I've already received traffic on repeaters up to 50 miles away. Compared with the VX-5RS, this is going to give me greatly improved mobile communications capability.
I had Automotive Sound and Protection in Conshohocken, PA do the install. Cost was $80.
Nice job and thanks for the pics of the installation. I own the FT-7800R and was using it as a base until I put an Icom 2200H in the house. I'll be putting the 7800R in the family car shortly.
Cool installation. I went the other route and did not do a separate faceplate mount, but instead installed the FT7800 just under the drivers'-side dashboard panel, ran a line to an EXT speaker that sits in a cup holder and ran DC line direct to the battery through firewall grommets. Looks good also and works well 8-)
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