Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hard Case for my Yaesu FT-187ND

Last week I took advantage of the most recent Harbor Freight Parking Lot Sale and picked up an Apache 3800 hard case to use with my Yaesu FT-817ND. The Apache case is a Pelican knock-off at around 1/3 the price. It's plenty good for my needs.

The label on the bottom of the case:

The pressure relief valve:

The case has two layers of pluck-to-fit foam. I have the radio and LDG tuner in the bottom:

I then created a tray using a thing piece of nylon, the top layer of foam, and some Gorilla tape, to hold various cables, some 550 cord and bank line, and a power cable.

This is not a self-contained go-box, since it doesn't include an antenna, power supply other than the small FT-817ND battery pack, and a tablet or laptop for digital modes. However, I can combine this with another box that will contain the other items. It's designed for vehicle-mobile operations, not manpack ops.

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